Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Looked and There It Was....Gone

I am posting this brief post because for a change I do not have to be so glum or preachy.

I have discussed on several occasions my concerns both with the general lack of understanding of depression on the part of the public and specifically on the part of the Society in my past proceedings and my fears about the licensing proceedings that are upcoming. However in furtherance of the upcoming hearing I had a discussion with the discipline counsel in charge of my file and to my very pleasant surprise when we discussed the depression years ago she not only was aware of the seriousness of depression but also its effects on an individual and on lawyers specifically. It was a discovery that provides me with a great deal of encouragement, not in respect to my dealings with the society now but rather for those that might or may have the same misfortune as I and have been forced to walk this dark path.

As I have previously stated there can always be hope, so to be fair I was at fault again, I was looking for the lack of understanding and I looked and there it was....gone.